Agesilaos Antik Sikkeler Nümzimatik

Byzantine Empire of Thessalonica

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Antik Sikkeler

4 Şub 2022

Theodore Comnenus-Dukas - Thessalonica

The Empire of Thessalonica originated as the Epirote state, founded by Michael Comnenus-Dukas following the sack of Constantinople by the Fourth Crusade in 1204. The so-called despotate of Epirus controlled land along the coast of Epirus from Dyrrhachium and the plain of Thessaly. Following the assassination of Michael in 1215, Theodore succeeded his brother and immediately set out to attack the Kingdom of Thessalonica which was being ruled by Eustace of Flanders [as regent], brother of Henry, the emperor of the Latin empire. Henry died on the way to counterattack and Theodore was able to capture his successor, Peter of Courtenay, in 1217. Distracted by the growing threat of the Empire of Nicaea, the Latins were unable to prevent Theodore from capturing Thessalonica in 1224 and thus, the short-lived Empire of Thessalonica was founded. The territories held by the Latin Empire were significantly reduced after Theodore took part of Macedonia and Thrace, and he crowned himself Byzantine emperor in 1227.