Agesilaos Antik Sikkeler Nümzimatik

Byzantine Philippicus [Bardanes]

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4 Şub 2022

Philippicus [Filippikos] Bardanes | Ο ΒΥΖΑΝΤΙΝΟΣ ΑΥΤΟΚΡΑΤΟΡΑΣ ΦΙΛΙΠΠΙΚΟΣ

Philippicus Bardanes, a Byzantine Emperor from AD 711 to 713, occupies a relatively obscure but intriguing chapter in Byzantine history. His ascension to the throne was marked by a rebellion against the unpopular Emperor Justinian II. Philippicus, a military commander, seized power in AD 711. One of the notable features of Philippicus' rule was his stance on religious matters. He vehemently opposed monothelitism, a theological doctrine that aimed to reconcile differing beliefs about the nature of Christ. Philippicus championed the Orthodox Christian view of two wills in Christ [dyothelitism] and took actions against monothelites, reflecting the Byzantine Empire's deep engagement in theological debates. His reign also witnessed challenges from the Umayyad Caliphate, particularly in the form of Arab military expansion. While he endeavored to defend Byzantine territories, the Umayyad threat persisted. Ultimately, Philippicus' rule was relatively short-lived. In AD 713, a revolt led by the general Artemius led to his deposition, after which he was blinded and imprisoned. Philippicus Bardanes remains a relatively lesser-known figure in Byzantine history, but his reign offers insights into the theological and geopolitical complexities of the era. His opposition to monothelitism and his efforts to navigate the Byzantine Empire through external threats underscore the multifaceted challenges faced by Byzantine rulers during this period.