Agesilaos Antik Sikkeler Nümzimatik

Byzantine Romanos IV Diogenes

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Antik Sikkeler

4 Şub 2022

Romanus IV Diogenes with Eudocia, Michael VII, Constantius and Andronicus

Romanus IV Diogenes [1068-1071] after Constantine's death his widow Eudocia assumed the regency. But as the military situation had grown even bleaker, a new emperor was called for and Eudocia was obliged to marry this distinguished Cappadocian general. Romanus ruled with her sons Michael VII, Andronicus and Constantius as associates. He was captured by Alp Arslan during the Seljuqs' epic victory at Manzikert in 1071, and then deposed in favor of Eudocia and her eldest son Michael. The unfortunate Romanus was released by the Seljuqs in 1072, and returned home only to have his eyes put out.

Taking the normal orientation of concavity, the obverse of the histamena of Romanus is the side with the three sons of Eudocia, while Christ blessing their marriage takes the reverse. The supporters of Eudocia wished to emphasize the seniority of the sons of Constantine in the succession.

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