Agesilaos Antik Sikkeler Nümzimatik

Eighth Labor of Herakles: The Man-Eating Horses of Diomedes

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Antik Sikkeler

4 Şub 2022
After Herakles had captured the Cretan Bull, king Eurystheus sent him to get the man-eating mares of Diomedes, the king of a Thracian tribe called the Bistones, and bring them back to him in Mycenae. Herakles set about doing so with a cortege including the Locrian youth Abderos.

Diomedes is Thracian king of Greek mythology. Diomedes has horses that eat people, and he feeds the people who come to his land to his horses. These horses are extremely difficult to control and have a very fierce appearance.

According to Apollodoros [ΑΠΟΛΛΟΔΩΡΟΣ] in order to catch the horses of Herakles Diomedes, he asks his lover Abderos and some of his friends for help. The horses are captured, but on the way they are attacked by Diomedes. Heracles fights with Diomedes. Meanwhile Abderos, losing control of the horses, was killed by the horses. Very saddened by the death of Abderos, Herakles killed Diomedes and fed him to his own horses. Herakles founded the city of Abdera [ancient city in thrace region] in honor of the slain Abderos.

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