Agesilaos Antik Sikkeler Nümzimatik

Greek Etruria Populonia

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Antik Sikkeler

4 Şub 2022
The earliest struck silver Etruscan tridrachms [as well as didrachms and drachms] seem to be those of Populonia and Vulci, and are attributed to the 5th century BC. They seem to be struck on the Chalkidian silver drachm standard of nominally about 5.8g, a model provided by Etruria's nearest Greek neighbour, Cumae in circa 475-470 BC. This weight standard is also found at other Greek cities important to Etruscan seaborne commerce in the early 5th century such as Himera, Naxos and Zankle-Messana. The coins, of which this type is certainly no exception, are of Greek style with an Etruscan flavour and display a predilection for apotropaic [demon-dispelling] images of exotic animals and monsters.

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