Agesilaos Antik Sikkeler Nümzimatik

Greek Mysia Kyzikos - Boukranion

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Antik Sikkeler

4 Şub 2022

Kyzikos [ΚΥΖΙΚΟΣ] - KYZIKHNΩN - Cyzicus

The Boukranion, an artistic motif resembling the frontal view of an ox skull with curved horns, held diverse symbolism in ancient cultures. In ancient Greece and Rome, it held sacrificial importance, signifying offerings to deities and adorning sanctuaries. Beyond rituals, the motif embodied agricultural significance, representing prosperity and fertility due to the ox's role in farming. Architectural contexts saw the boukranion as a decorative embellishment, adorning buildings friezes and metopes. Its presence conveyed both artistic elegance and meaningful symbolism. Furthermore, the motif's appearance in funerary art tied to notions of transition and connection to natural cycles. The boukranion's versatility across religious, agricultural, and artistic contexts underscores its enduring appeal. Its visual representation of reverence, abundance, and life's cycles serves as a testament to the multifaceted layers of meaning embedded in ancient art and culture.