Agesilaos Antik Sikkeler Nümzimatik

Greek Pamphylia Aspendos - The Triskeles

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Antik Sikkeler

4 Şub 2022
The triskeles is a symbol consisting of three interlocked spirals or legs, forming a motif resembling three bent human legs or three interconnected spirals. This symbol has been used in various cultures throughout history and holds different meanings depending on the context. In ancient Greek culture, the triskeles was associated with various deities and concepts. It was often used as a symbol of motion, progress, and dynamic action. In some cases, it was linked to the goddess Hecate, who was associated with crossroads, transitions, and transformation. The three legs of the triskeles were sometimes interpreted as representing the three phases of the moon or the three realms of the world: earth, sea, and sky. On ancient coins, the triskeles motif may appear in different forms and variations, depending on the region and time period. It could be depicted as a simple geometric design or as a more elaborate and stylized symbol. The presence of the triskeles on a coin may indicate the cultural and religious beliefs of the issuing authority, as well as its connection to broader mythological and symbolic traditions.

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