Agesilaos Antik Sikkeler Nümzimatik

Greek Thrace Apollonia Pontika

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Antik Sikkeler

4 Şub 2022
Apollo Latros A Greek God of Pontic - AΠOΛΛΩNOΣ ΛΑΤΡΟΣ


Apollonia Pontica [or Apollonia of Thrace], Greek Colony founded around the 6th century by Milesians. It was first called Antheia and then it was named Apollonia after the God Apollo. Sozopol [ΣΩΖΟΠΟΛΗ] is an ancient seaside town located 35 km south of Burgas on the southern Bulgarian Black Sea Coast.

The epithet Latros - ΛΑΤΡΟΣ itself literally means Doctor or Healer. The first evidence of the god as a healer appears in Homer's Iliad where he heals Glaukos' arrow wound.

The cult of Apollo Latros was predominantly confined to the Black Sea Region, prevalent also in the other major Ionian Colonies in this area which include Pantikapaion, Istros and Olbia.

As the rise of the cult of Apollo's son Asklepios in the 5th and 4th centuries eclipsed this function of Apollo, the epithet Iatros was increasingly used in reference to Asklepios, who represented a specialised god concerned with medicine; his attribute of a serpent wrapped around a staff is still commonly employed as a medical symbol today.

Apollo Iatros was the patron deity of Apollonia Pontika [formerly founded as Antheia, but later renamed in the god's honour], and is depicted on the reverse of this coin holding his traditional attributes of a bow and arrow, together with a laurel staff on which is perched a bird, alluding to his birth beneath a laurel tree and the numerous birds including hawks, ravens and crows considered sacred to him. An important sanctuary of Apollo Iatros was situated within view of the city on the island now called St Cryicus, famous in part due to the great statue of the god which stood there. Known as the 'Colossus of Apollonia Pontika', it was designed by the renowned Kalamis of Athens and when completed in 480 BC it stood at over 13 metres tall.

Click for more coin images of the ancient city Apollonia Pontica.