Agesilaos Antik Sikkeler Nümzimatik

Hadrianus With His Adoptive Parents Trajan And Plotina

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Antik Sikkeler

4 Şub 2022
Hadrianus with his adoptive parents Trajan and Plotina. Publius Aelius Hadrianus was born in Spain in AD 76. He lost his parents at the age of ten and was placed under tutelage with the distantly related Marcus Ulpius Traianus who after a successful military career was adopted by emperor Nerva and succeeded him in AD 98.

Trajan was married to Plotina [AD 122], the marriage remained childless. Plotina had a good relationship with Hadrian and promoted him. #Hadrian was married to Sabina, a grand-niece of Trajan. The adoption of both Hadrian and Sabina and with this the designation as successor to the throne took place, obviously on intervention by Plotina, only the day after Traian’s death on August 8, 117. Hadrianus honoured his adoptive parents with the consecration, struck coins in their memory and erected a basilica in Nemausus [Nimes] for Diva Plotina, a temple in Rome for Divus Traianus.

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