Agesilaos Antik Sikkeler Nümzimatik

Lucius Verus To The Harmony Of The Emperor

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Antik Sikkeler

4 Şub 2022
Rome was to be ruled by two emperors for the first time upon the accession of both Marcus Aurelius and Lucius Verus in AD 161, and the first joint rule and political union of the Roman Empire was depicted on the reverses of early gold issues belonging to both emperors; this example is struck in the name of Lucius Verus.

The reverse legend CONCORDIAE AVGVSTOR denotes the ideal of Concordia working within this new political system of diarchy. Concordia represented the condition of harmonious union between two individuals, which in turn produced harmony within the state. Such an ideal is presented here as an advertised benefit of the empire under the joint rule of Aurelius and Verus.

CONCORDIAE AVGVSTOR TR P COS II - Concordiae Augustorum. Tribunicia Potestate, Consul Secundum: To the harmony of the emperor [Augustus], Holder of tribunician power, Consul for the second time.

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