Agesilaos Antik Sikkeler Nümzimatik

Lycia Phaselis

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Antik Sikkeler

4 Şub 2022
Phaselis was founded in 691/0 BC by settlers from Lindos on Rhodes. The same year in which Rhodian colonists founded the city of Gela on Sicily. As a Dorian city, and indeed the only purely Greek city in Lycia, Phaselis differed in language and culture from all of its surrounding neighbours. The port of Phaselis was the object of great envy due to its exceptional geographical location in southern Asia Minor.

Little is known of its early history, though it appears to have existed peacefully; after the Persian defeat at Plataea however, the city was forced to join the Delian League in around 469 BC, at which point the city was fortified with circuit walls. Phaselis began striking coinage in around 550 BC on the Lydo-Milesian standard; its silver coins are among the earliest struck in Asia Minor, beginning a few decades after the introduction of coinage in Lydia.

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