Agesilaos Antik Sikkeler Nümzimatik

Maximianus To The Victorious Hercules

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Antik Sikkeler

4 Şub 2022
Given the title Herculius by Diocletian, Maximianus role was always that of the military might to Diocletian's strategic planning. Whilst the title reflected the adoption of Hercules as the heavenly father of Maximianus and thus, his familial ties to divinity, it was also representative of his role as junior emperor. Taking the cognomen of Jovius, Diocletian assumed familial ties to the more authoritative deity of Jupiter, as the father of Hercules, and so indicated his superiority over Maximianus as the director of imperial policy.

The reverse depiction of Hercules on this stunning aureus displays this imperial theology with the inscription HERCVLI VICTORI [Hercules the Victor]. Hercules is depicted seated in repose with his attributes: the club, the lion's skin, as well as the bow and quiver set beside him. The representation and accompanying legend evokes the famous victories of the Twelve Labours and serves as an allegorical celebration of Maximianus' own military success. The top-heavy musculature of the seated figure, with head turned and crossed resting arms closely resembles that of the Hellenistic Greek sculpture Terme Boxer excavated in Rome in 1885 and now in the collection of the National Museum of the same city. The colossal masculinity of this sculptural figure of Hercules alludes to the strength of the emperor as Herculius.

Despite the suggestion of superior strength and victory, Maximianus was beginning to falter in his role as a military instrument of the empire. His failed invasion of Britain in 289, against the ever-increasing threat of Carausius, led Diocletian to conclude that their divinely sanctioned diarchy was insufficient to manage the Empire. Constantius was appointed to the office of Caesar in the West and Galerius was granted the same position in the East, establishing a Tetrarchy that would relieve Maximianus of his military responsibilities. This coin was most probably produced in response to the increase in bureaucracy that the appointment of two new Caesars in 293 will have occasioned, as well as the ever present needs of the army protecting the eastern frontier of the Empire.

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