Agesilaos Antik Sikkeler Nümzimatik

Ninth Labor of Herakles: The Belt of the Amazon Queen Hippolyte

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Antik Sikkeler

4 Şub 2022
At the request of Admete, Eurystheus' daughter, Herakles as his Ninth Labor went to seize the golden girdle of Hippolyte, a garment that gave power and supremacy to the wearer. The daughter of Otrera and the god Ares, Hippolyte was the queen of the Amazons, an all female warrior race who lived near the slopes of the Caucasus.

To carry out this Labor, Herakles organized an expedition, which included the Athenian hero Theseus. Upon the heroes' arrival, the Amazon women greeted them warmly, while Hippolyte offered the girdle as a gift. Hera, on hearing this, took the form of an Amazon, spreading a rumor that Herakles had come to steal away their queen, and take her back with him to Greece.

The female warriors, in protection of their queen, began fighting the heroes. In the melée that followed, Herakles slew Hippolyte, thinking she had betrayed him. Winning the battle, Herakles headed back for Mycenae. On the way, he saved the life of Hesione, daughter of Laomedon, king of Troy. Laomedon, however, refused to reward the hero for his service. In retribution, Herakles slew the king and all his sons, save the youngest, Podarces, who later became known as Priam.

[two of the tasks were disqualified as Herakles was considered to have received too much help]

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