Agesilaos Antik Sikkeler Nümzimatik

Phrygia Docimeium

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Antik Sikkeler

4 Şub 2022
Phrygia Dokimeion - ΔΟΚΙΜЄΩΝ

Dokimos was a subordinate officer of Alexander and a typical diadochic condottiere. He successfully switched sides several times between the more powerful generals and eventually died [from natural causes] when he was in control of Pergamon sometime after 302 BC. A few years earlier, he was satrap of Phrygia and it was then that he founded Dokimeion, a Macedonian military colony bearing his name. The place apparently was of little importance - Strabo called it a 'kōme', a village, in Augustean time - but the locals were proud of their Macedonian heritage and issued coins such as ours, showing their eponymous founder, and others with the expanded ethnic ΔΟΚΙΜΕΩΝ ΜΑΚΕΔΟΝΩΝ.

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