Agesilaos Antik Sikkeler Nümzimatik

Roman Imperial Constantine II As Caesar

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Antik Sikkeler

4 Şub 2022
With his defeat of Licinius in 324, Constantine I finally secured sole rule over the empire, thus conferring greater responsibilities onto the capable shoulders of his son and heir Crispus. The young Caesar had been appointed Commander of Gaul after his accession in 317, and had shown himself to be a highly capable military commander on both land and sea. His successful command at the naval engagement of the Hellespont and of part of the army at Chrysopolis contributed significantly to Constantine's victory over Licinius. Crispus was honoured with statues, mosaics and cameos.

Yet in 326 Constantine mysteriously ordered the execution of his beloved son, apparently at the instigation of his wife Fausta, motivated by jealousy and ambition, who falsely claimed Crispus had attempted to rape her. This led to the elevation of Constantine II as commander of Gaul in the same year, despite his being only ten at the time. Depicted here possessing the clear likeness of his father, the young Caesar is also portrayed on the reverse in his role as Prince of Youth, armed and garbed in military dress. An important part of the imperial propaganda, this coinage was intended to inspire public confidence in Constantine Caesar and to reassure the population of the empire that the line of succession remained secure.

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