Agesilaos Antik Sikkeler Nümzimatik

Roman Provincial Greek Troas Ilion - Crispina

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Antik Sikkeler

4 Şub 2022

Crispina wife of Commodus - KPICPEINA CEBACTH

Ilos was the legendary founder of Troy, which he named after his father, Tros. Ilos had followed a cow until it rested, and there built the city after having prayed for a sign that he had chosen the right spot. The sign that Zeus had provided was a statue that was sacred to Athena, the Palladium [Athena Ilias].

Ilos built a temple to house the statue, and Troy was safe from foreign enemies as long as the Palladium remained within the city walls [Homer, Iliad 21.231-236; Apollodorus 3.12.2-3].

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