Agesilaos Antik Sikkeler Nümzimatik

Roman Republic Gaius Hosidius Geta

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Antik Sikkeler

4 Şub 2022

Gaius Hosidius Geta 68 BC

Although the significance of the type to the moneyer who caused it to be struck remains a mystery, the classical myth which it depicts and the lesson it carried regarding the consequences of neglecting the Gods would have been a message well known to and easily recognised by the ancient Romans.

The Calydonian boar was sent by Diana to ravage the lands of Calydon in Aetolia, where the king Oeneus had not afforded her the proper rites and respect. With the citizens cowering behind city walls, a hunt was organised in which the lone female hunter, Atalanta, was the first to draw blood when she pierced the boar through its side with her spear, as depicted in this fine reverse type.

The story of Diana and the Caledonian boar revolves around the Caledonian boar hunt, a significant event that was triggered by King Oeneus ignoring the goddess Diana [Artemis] when making an offering. In retaliation, Diana sent a monstrous boar, the Calydonian boar, to ravage the land of Calydon. To combat this threat, Oeneus' son Meleager gathered a group of famous heroes, including the experienced huntress Atalanta. The mighty boar posed a great challenge during the hunt, allowing the heroes to put their courage and skill to the test. Meleager, motivated by his affection for Atalanta, finally dealt the wild creature a fatal blow. However, conflicts arose over the boar's coveted hide, which led to a tragic twist. Meleager killed his uncles in the ensuing quarrel, incurring Diana's wrath. Out of grief for the Calydonian boar, Diana transformed Meleager into a wild boar, illustrating the unpredictable consequences of mortal interaction with the divine.

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