Agesilaos Antik Sikkeler Nümzimatik

The Abbreviated Legend FA On Olympia Coins

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Antik Sikkeler

4 Şub 2022
Olympia was one of the holiest sites in Greece, home to a great temple of Zeus, father of gods and men, and to another great temple dedicated to his consort Hera. Olympia was the site of the quadrennial Olympic Games, held in honor of these gods.

The sanctuary of Zeus and #Hera at Olympia in the northern Peloponnese were originally controlled and administered by the city of Pisa. Great wealth accrued to the Pisatans from possession of these sacred sites thanks to the introduction of the first Olympic Games in 776 BC. Around the mid-eighth century BC, the Elean neighbours of Pisa decided that despite the panhellenic character of the Olympic Games, they would prefer to see the profits from the festival go to them. Therefore, they conquered Pisa and assumed control of the sanctuaries and the festivals at Olympia.

The abbreviated legend FA refers to the Eleans using an epichoric [local] alphabet that still included the letter digamma [F]. This letter, which had died out in many other Greek alphabets by the fifth century BC, represented the w-sound, meaning that the legend should probably be more properly understood as identifying the issuing authority as the Waleans.