Agesilaos Antik Sikkeler Nümzimatik

The God Hermanubis

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Antik Sikkeler

4 Şub 2022
Hermanubis is known from a handful of epigraphic and literary sources, mostly of the Roman period. Plutarch [ΠΛΟΥΤΑΡΧΟΣ] cites the name as a designation of Anubis in his underworldly aspect [De Is. et Os. 375e], while Porphyry [ΠΟΡΦΥΡΙΟΣ] refers to Hermanubis as composite, and half-Greek [De imaginibus fr. 8, p. 18.1–2 Bidez].


It is clear that the name is a result of the assimilation of the Egyptian god Anubis to the Greek god Hermes, which is well attested in a number of literary, epigraphic, and artistic sources. Although Hermes was traditionally equated with the Egyptian Thoth, his function as psychopompos encouraged his association with Anubis given the latter's comparable funerary role in Egyptian religion as embalmer and guardian of the dead and as leader of the deceased to the tribunal of Osiris. This assimilation resulted in widespread Greco-Roman representations of the canine-headed Anubis with attributes of the Greek Hermes, such as the distinctive staff known as the kerykeion or winged sandals.

In Roman Alexandria there emerges a new iconographical type, well represented in coins and sculpture, in which a fully anthropomorphic young god is flanked by a dog and holds the same attributes as the said Anubis, in addition to wearing the kalathos headdress. It is this type that art historians have traditionally labelled Hermanubis.