Agesilaos Antik Sikkeler Nümzimatik

The Roman Empire Antinous

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Antik Sikkeler

4 Şub 2022

Roman Provincial Arkadia Mantinea

ANTİK SİKKELER NÜMİZMATİK_Roman Empire Antinous (1).jpg

Antinous was by birth from Bithynium beyond the river Sangarius, and the Bithynians are by descent Arcadians of Mantinea. For this reason, the emperor established his worship in Mantinea also; mystic rites are celebrated in his honor each year, and games every four years [Pausanias VIII.9.7]. This explains the ostentatious worship of the hero by this polis, which had changed its name from Antigonea back to Mantinea during Hadrian's visit in 125 and thus also had a personal relationship with the grieving emperor. Part of a series of commemorative medallions/coins struck in five denominations, no doubt in association with one of the events described by Pausanias. These coins feature a common reverse type of a horse, symbol of Poseidon Hippios, patron deity of Mantinea. The legends on the pieces simply tell us that they were dedicated to the Arcadians [TOIC APKACI] by a certain Vetourios [BЄTOYPIOC].

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