Agesilaos Antik Sikkeler Nümzimatik

The Roman Empire Plotina Wife Of Trajan

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Antik Sikkeler

4 Şub 2022
As Trajan rose through the ranks of the Roman military and eventually ascended to the imperial throne in 98 AD, Plotina assumed the role of empress consort. During Trajan's reign, Plotina was known for her philanthropy and patronage of public works, funding various civic projects and charitable initiatives throughout the empire. Plotina's adherence to Stoic principles, a philosophical school popular among the Roman elite, was notable. She is described as having embraced a life of simplicity and modesty, eschewing the trappings of power and luxury often associated with imperial life.

PLOTINA AVG IMP TRAIANI : Plotina Augusta Imperatori Traiani = [Pompeia] Plotina the venerable, consort of the supreme commander [Imperator] Trajan.