Agesilaos Antik Sikkeler Nümzimatik

Ancient coins of Emperor Constantine I the Great

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Antik Sikkeler

4 Şub 2022
Ο Αυτοκράτορας Κωνσταντίνος Α ο Μέγας - Gaius Flavius Valerius Constantinus - Constantine I the Great

Born in Naissus [Nis, Serbia]. Son of the Augustus of the West Constantius Chlorus and the Greek Helena.

One of the great men in world history. The first and the best Byzantine emperor. Excellent political and military leader. He never lost a battle. He made numerous reforms and established Christianity as main religion. The first Christian emperor and a Saint.

Proclaimed himself Caesar of Gaul, Britain, Spain after his father's death. Defeated co-emperor of the West Maxentius in Milvian bridge and seized Rome. Later defeated eastern emperor Licinius in Adrianople, remaining sole emperor.

Rebuilt Byzantium [ New Rome ] which became Constantinoupolis and the new capital of the empire.

Fell seriously ill and died in Nicomedia. Baptized shortly before. Divided the empire between his 3 sons.

Actions & Events
• 330- Rebuilt Byzantium [New Rome] which became Constantinoupolis and the new capital of the empire.
• Among his many building projects: Church of the Holy Apostles, Church of the Holy Sepulcher [Jerusalem], and Old Saint Peter's Basilica [Rome].

• 307-310 Pushed Franks beyond Rhine.
• 310 to 325 In a series of bloody battles, he prevailed over rivals Maxentius and Licinius.
• 332 Swept Visigoths in Dacia. 100,000 Goths died.
• 334 Defeated the Sarmatians.

Click for more coin images of the emperors Theodosius I the Great.

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