Agesilaos Antik Sikkeler Nümzimatik

Byzantine Anastasius II Artemius

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Antik Sikkeler

4 Şub 2022

II. Anastasios | Artemius Anastasios | ΑΝΑΣΤΑΣΙΟΣ Β ΑΡΤΕΜΙΟΣ

Emperor Anastasios II, also known as Anastasius II, was a Byzantine ruler who held the throne during a relatively brief period in the 7th century. He reigned from 713 to 715 AD. His ascension to power followed the reign of his father, Emperor Justinian II. Anastasios II's time as emperor was marked by political instability and conflicts. The period in which he ruled was characterized by internal power struggles within the Byzantine Empire. His father, Justinian II, had been a controversial figure, and Anastasios II's rise to the throne faced opposition and challenges from various factions within the empire. Ultimately, Anastasios II's reign came to an end in 715 AD when he was deposed by Theodosius III, who assumed the title of Byzantine Emperor. This period of Byzantine history was a tumultuous one, with shifting allegiances and power dynamics both within and outside the empire.