Agesilaos Antik Sikkeler Nümzimatik

Byzantine Empire Anastasius I

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Antik Sikkeler

4 Şub 2022

Byzantine Empire Anastasius I - 491-518

Upon the death of emperor Zeno, the emperor's widow, Ariadne, was tasked with appointing a successor to the throne. She selected Anastasius, a competent court official and married him, cementing her continued position as empress. Anastasius proved to be an effective ruler for his time, particularly in the area of finances. He completely reformed the coinage and his reforms fundamentally shaped the history of Byzantine coinage which then stood as a model system in stark contrast to the deteriorating situation in the west. Anastasius was also notably Greek Orthodox, a requirement the people requested during the appointment process.

Anastasius I is considered to be the first Byzantine ruler on account of both the developments and differences in his rule, and due to the diverging paths of the eastern and western portions of what had long stood as the Roman Empire. This distinction, is of course, largely convenient. The rulers and citizens of the eastern empire, Byzantines, thoroughly considered themselves Romans and referred to themselves as such. It was not until after the fall of the Byzantine state in the mid 15th century AD that western historians began referring to the eastern empire at this time as the 'Byzantine' Empire rather than the continuation of the Roman.

In fact, it was even used as a derogatory distinction. However, the fundamental changes that occurred at the time of Anastasius I's reign and continued into the Justinian dynasty as well as the radically different development and practices of the east versus the west lends substantial merit to the delineation that considers Anastasius the first Byzantine ruler. Distinguished as such, Anastasius laid the foundational groundwork essential for a successful civilization that is often overlooked or under-appreciated. The groundwork he laid set the stage for a thriving civilization that endured for a millennium.

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