Agesilaos Antik Sikkeler Nümzimatik

Byzantine Irene of Athens

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Antik Sikkeler

4 Şub 2022
Ο Βυζαντινός βασιλεύς Ειρήνη η Αθηναία - Byzantine Irene of Athens

Wife of Leo IV, mother of Constantine VI. Conspired against her son, dethroned him and became "emperor". Regent of her son Constantine VI and actual ruler since 780. She tried to overthrow her son in 790 and failed, but succeeded in 797. People never forgave the blinding of her own son. She chose the title king [βασιλεύς] rather than queen [βασίλισσα].

Her regency was an endless effort to seize the power from her son and her reign a manic struggle to keep it. Feared and unpopular. Unable to run state affairs, led the empire in a dire position. Remembered for blinding her son and the restoration of icons. Dethroned by a conspiracy of patricians. She was exiled to Lesbos and died a year later.

Ενέργειες & Γεγονότα
Αποκατέστησε τη λατρεία των εικόνων [όσο ακόμα ασκούσε την αντιβασιλεία]. Επέβαλε τον Ταράσιο, έναν λαϊκό, για Πατριάρχη. Οι βασικοί της συνεργάτες ήταν οι Σταυράκιος & Αέτιος. Ο Καρλομάγνος της πρότεινε να παντρευτούν. Εκείνη δεν αρνήθηκε αλλά στο μεταξύ ανατράπηκε.

Click for more coin images of the king Irene.