Agesilaos Antik Sikkeler Nümzimatik

Byzantine Michael III with Theodora and Thecla

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Antik Sikkeler

4 Şub 2022
Born in AD 840, Michael III assumed the throne at the age of three following the unexpected death of his father Theophilus. His mother Theodora governed as regent during his infancy, apparently along with her daughter Thecla [Michael's oldest surviving sister], who seems to have been entitled to share in the regency since she is portrayed on the coinage and named on official government documents of the period. On this type the domination of Theodora and Thecla can be clearly seen in how the emperor himself is belittled as a lesser figure in the depiction.

Theodora's desire for power reportedly led her to restrict Michael's education in order to make him less fit for the throne and more malleable in her grasp. However, as the boy grew up he developed a close bond with his wily uncle Bardas, and in 856, aged fourteen, Michael consented for Bardas to overthrow the regency, having murdered Theodora's most trusted minister the year before. Theodora and her daughters, including Thecla, were banished to a nunnery by the new sole ruler.

Michael went on to be a successful military leader against the Arabs and the Slavs. Under his rule many ruined cities were rebuilt, monasteries were reopened and the imperial university was rejuvenated. Michael invaded Bulgaria, and adopted its ruler Boris I, and through the said monarch's baptism replaced Tengrism with Christianity in that area. The conversion of the Bulgarians has been evaluated as one of the greatest cultural and political achievements of the Byzantine Empire.

Despite these successes Michael had failed to produce any offspring with his wife Eudocia. Their marriage was not a particularly happy one, and Michael was instead enamoured by his mistress named Ingerina. In order to avoid any scandal by wedding her, he joined Ingerina with his favourite courtesan Basil in matrimony. He continued his relationship with her, and in order to maintain positive relations with Basil, brought his sister Thecla back from the nunnery and gave her to his friend as an offering. Ingerina bore a son named Leo, much to the joy of Michael, although to this day it is uncertain who the father of the future ruler of the empire was.

Basil gained increasing influence over Michael, and in April 866 he convinced the emperor that the Caesar Bardas was conspiring against him, and so was duly allowed to murder Bardas. Now without serious rivals, Basil was crowned co-emperor on 26 May 866. Basil soon became wary of an intimate relationship Michael was forging with a new courtier named Basiliskianos, and conspired to put an end to it. Accompanied by some close relatives and friends, he brutally murdered Michael as he lay insensible with drink following a banquet.

The unsavoury reputation of Michael as a spineless drunk was partially created by Byzantine authors operating under Basil and his successors in order to legitimise the new emperor's vicious act of homicide. Indeed, some Arab accounts describe him as a strong and capable military leader, and his reign was in fact beneficial in many ways, particularly in stabilising the internal state of the empire.

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