Agesilaos Antik Sikkeler Nümzimatik

Byzantine Nikephoros I

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Antik Sikkeler

4 Şub 2022
The former imperial treasurer, Nicephorus I came to power in the coup that toppled the controversial Empress Irene. Nicephorus and his son and co-ruler Staurakios [Σταυράκιος] invaded Bulgaria, which had become a major threat under the ferocious warlord Krum.

Nicephorus was a strict conservative with considerable military and administrative experience, and soon repaired much of the damage caused by Irene's mismanagement. He revoked many of her tax reductions and found new sources of revenue that put the state on a sounder footing. His achievements in foreign affairs were more of a mixed bag. His refusal to pay tribute to the Arabs aroused their anger and invited attacks, but he reconquered central Greece from the Slavs, who had overrun it two centuries before, and created several new Themes, or military districts, by which the army could be replenished.

The invasion at first met with great success, taking and sacking the Bulgarian capital city of Pliska. But Nicephorus unwisely pursued Krum into the mountains, where he and his army were ambushed and slaughtered. Though grievously wounded, Staurakios [Σταυράκιος] managed to escape and made it back to Constantinople before expiring. Krum had Nicephorus' skull made into a drinking cup, which became part of the Bulgarian royal regalia.

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