Agesilaos Antik Sikkeler Nümzimatik

Constantine I Delight Of The Romans

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Antik Sikkeler

4 Şub 2022
In his youth Constantine accompanied his father Constantius I Chlorus on a campaign to Britain in AD 305, where Constantius died at Eobarcum [York] after having fought against the Picts beyond Hadrian's Wall. Upon his father's death Constantine was appointed Caesar by Galerius, Augustus in the East, and he remained in the West commanding a vast army along the Rhine. The Franks invaded Gaul across the Rhine in AD 306 and were brutally repelled by Constantine's army. The captured kings Ascaric and Merogais were paraded in the amphitheatre of Treveri, the tetrarchic capital of the West, and fed to the beasts. Eumenius recalls this event in his Panegyrici Latini, taunting "where now is that ferocity of yours? Where is that ever untrustworthy fickleness?, referencing a possible etymology for the name Franci from the Latin ferocia and Germanic frech, meaning fierce or bold. This coin is testament to the significance of this victory to Constantine's reign, minted several years after the event itself and after Constantine I the Great had put down rebellions of Maxentius, Maximian and Maximinus to emerge victorious in Rome in AD 312 as one of two co-emperors with Licinius I.

The present coin portrays the victory of Constantine I the Great over the Franks with a pitiful image of Francia, the personification of the tribe, using the typical iconography of the mourning captive. It forms part of a long numismatic tradition of representing Roman victory over foreign peoples with captive female personifications. Precedents can be found amongst the aurei of Vespasian celebrating the Flavian victory over Judaea, Domitian's aureus of Germania, Marcus Aurelius' denarii of Armenia and Trajan's sestertii displaying a the Roman male personification Tiber trampling the female figure of Dacia, a scene with remarkable stylistic parallels to the monumental relief of Claudius overpowering the figure of Britannia from the Sebasteion at Aphrodisias.

Francia's defeated posture and mournful gesture, placing her head in her hands, seated as she is beneath a trophy of Francish weapons, appears in jarring contrast to the legend GAVDIVM ROMANORVM [Delight Of The Romans] which proclaims the joy and delight of the Romans at the defeat of the Franks and highlights the disdain with which Romans perceived the barbarians, who threatened their frontiers and the security of the Empire.

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