Agesilaos Antik Sikkeler Nümzimatik

Diva Faustina Senior - Consecratio

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Antik Sikkeler

4 Şub 2022
Annia Galeria Faustina [Faustina I] was born into a distinguished and well connected family; her father Marcus Annius Verus was three times consul and prefect of Rome, and she counted Sabina and Matidia as her maternal aunts. Sometime between AD 110 and 115 she married Titus Aurelius Fulvius Boionius Arrius Antoninus [who would later gain favour with Hadrian, be adopted and succeed to the throne, and be known to history as Antoninus Pius]. During her life, Faustina Senior was an advocate for the underprivileged, as well as for girls' education. When she died in AD 141, Antoninius Pius was said to be devastated. To honour her memory he had her deified, built a temple for her in the Forum and issued a prodigious coinage in her name as Diva Faustina. Additionally he established an institution called Puellae Faustinianae [The Girls of Faustina] to assist orphaned Roman girls.

The commemorative coinage of Faustina Senior is unusual in that it survives in large numbers with a wide variety of reverse types, this being explained by the fact that her coins continued to be struck until the death of Antoninus Pius in AD 161. This particularly beautiful consecration aureus is notable for the form in which the apotheosis of Faustina is displayed; a parallel issue displays the funeral pyre of the empress and thus the manner of her ascension to godhood, and here we see her being conveyed to her place among the gods and other deified emperors and empresses. Faustina now holds the hasta pura, one of the insignia of the gods, and of the augusti and augustae after their apotheoses. Two other contemporary issues display further elements of Faustina’s deification; one shows the carriage of her divine effigy in a wagon pulled by two elephants, the other illustrates its destination: the temple that Antoninus PiusAntoninus, and on the obverse we see Faustina still draped, in the manner of a living Augusta and beloved wife, and not yet veiled in death and divinity. [CONSECRATIO : Consecration].

Agesilaos Antik Sikkeler Nümizmatik_FAUSTINA.jpg