Agesilaos Antik Sikkeler Nümzimatik

Greek Cilicia Tarsos

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Antik Sikkeler

4 Şub 2022

Pharnabazos 380-373 BC

Pharnabazos was a prominent Persian military commander and satrap during 4th century BC. He played a significant role in various events of the time, particularly during the Peloponnesian War and its aftermath. Pharnabazos initially served as a satrap [governor] of Phrygia, a region in western Anatolia, under the Achaemenid Persian Empire. During the Peloponnesian War [431–404 BC] between Athens and Sparta, Pharnabazos aligned himself with the Spartan side. He became known for supporting and advising the Spartan fleet, and his involvement influenced the course of the conflict. One of the notable episodes involving Pharnabazos was the support he provided to the Spartan admiral Lysander. Under his guidance, the Spartan fleet gained strength and secured victories against the Athenians, contributing significantly to the ultimate defeat of Athens in 404 BC.

After the Peloponnesian War, Pharnabazos continued to play a role in the power dynamics of the region. He was involved in the broader struggles between the Persian Empire and the rising power of Athens. Over time, he switched alliances opportunistically, sometimes aligning with the Athenians against the Spartans and vice versa. Pharnabazos also had interactions with notable historical figures such as the Spartan king Agesilaus II and the Athenian general Conon. His political maneuvers showcased the complex and ever-changing alliances in the tumultuous aftermath of the Peloponnesian War. While Pharnabazos is often remembered for his role in the conflicts between Greek city-states, his actions were deeply intertwined with the broader geopolitical landscape of the time, reflecting the intricate relationships between the Greek states and the Persian Empire.