Agesilaos Antik Sikkeler Nümzimatik

Greek Cyprus Salamis

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Antik Sikkeler

4 Şub 2022
King Evagoras II - Ο ΒΑΣΙΛΙΑΣ ΕΥΑΓΟΡΑΣ B [EYA] - A bitter homecoming.

King Evagoras II or Euagoras II [ ΕΥΑΓΟΡΑΣ B] was a king of the Ancient Greek city-state of Salamis in Cyprus, and later satrap for Achaemenid Persia in Phoenicia.

Salamis [Σαλαμίς] was an ancient Greek city-state on the east coast of Cyprus, at the mouth of the river Pedieos, 6 km north of modern Famagusta. According to tradition, the founder of Salamis was Teucer, son of Telamon, king of the Greek island of Salamis, who could not return home after the Trojan War because he had failed to avenge his brother Ajax.

Aphrodite, who was sometimes given the epithet Cypris [ Lady of Cyprus ], was widely worshipped on the island. This was attributed by the Greeks to the mythological tradition that she was born from the sea foam in the waters off its shores.


In reality, she was the Greek equivalent to the Semitic goddess Astarte worshipped by the Phoenician population of Cyprus.

Interestingly, despite the pro Persian stance of Evagoras II, his coin is the most Hellenic in style of all the kings of Salamis who preceded him.

He was the first to abandon the old Cypriot syllabary in favour of the Greek alphabet for his coin inscriptions.

His pro Persian policies offended his people's desire for autonomy like other Greek states and in 351 BC he was overthrown in a popular uprising led by his nephew, Pnytagoras.

Evagoras II was forced to flee from Cyprus and escaped to the Persian court of Artaxerxes III. The Great King rewarded his former loyalty by making him governor of Sidon in the stead of its rebellious Phoenician governor.

Unfortunately, Evagoras II proved to be as obnoxious to the Sidonians as he had been to the Salaminians and in 346 BC, after only three years in power, he was forced to flee from Phoenicia to Cyprus. Upon his arrival, Evagoras II was arrested and executed on the orders of Pnytagoras.

Click for more coin images of the ancient city Salamis.