Agesilaos Antik Sikkeler Nümzimatik

Greek Islands Off Ionia Samos

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Antik Sikkeler

4 Şub 2022
Greek Islands Off Ionia Samos - ΓEIPANΔPIΔHΣ [Geirandrides] ΣA [SAMOS]

ANTİK SİKKELER NÜMİZMATİK_Greek Islands Off Ionia Samos .jpg

Samos was famous in the ancient world for being the home of the Heraion, a temple to Hera. Vergil tells us that Hera loved Samos second best to Carthage [Aeneid I.18]. The ox was a symbol of Hera going back to the earliest days of Greece. In the Iliad she is often given the epithet of ox-eyed. Oxen were not only representative of Hera but also apparently used in her worship. In the famous story in Herodotus, when Kroisos asks Solon who the happiest man in the world is, the second example Solon gives is Kleobis and Biton; there was a festival of Hera in Argos, and their mother absolutely had to be conveyed to the temple by a team of oxen [1.31.1]. Kleobis and Biton proceeded to carry the cart themselves and get their mother to the temple in time. This anecdote suggests an important function of oxen in the rituals of Hera.