Agesilaos Antik Sikkeler Nümzimatik

Greek King Of Macedon Philip II

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Antik Sikkeler

4 Şub 2022
Ancient City Of Kolophon | An excellent a Stater from the ancient city of Colophon

Many of the Macedonian soldiers and officers were skeptical about Alexander's assimilation to Eastern culture, and his marriage with the Sogdian princess Roxane was not well received. When the great king died in 323, Roxane was pregnant, but the uncertainty over the gender of the unborn child and the unrest among the army lead Perdikkas to agree to the succession to the throne of Philip III, Alexander's mentally disordered half-brother.

The appointment of a son of the beloved Philip II pleased the Macedonian traditionalists, and when Roxane gave birth to a son a few months later, he became the co-ruler of Philip III. These example coin is part of a remarkable series of wonderful staters struck in the years after these events, on which the types are those of Philip II but where there is little doubt that the wonderful head of Apollo is, in fact, a portrait of Alexander the Great. The issue thus places Philip III in the tradition of his father Philip II and his half-brother Alexander 'the Great' and the exceptional beauty of the die engraving has long made it one of the most prestigious Macedonian gold staters.

Click for more coin images of the ancient city Kolophon

These coin show laureate head of Apollo to , with the features of Alexander III 'the Great'. Rev. ΦΙΛΙΠΠOY Charioteer driving biga to right, holding reins in his left hand and goad in his right below to right, tripod.