Agesilaos Antik Sikkeler Nümzimatik

Islamic Umayyad Caliphate | Abd Al-Malik İbn Marwan

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Antik Sikkeler

4 Şub 2022
This famous gold Dinar, struck in the year 77 of the Hijra, marks a defining point in Islamic history. Although there was a dictum that the Byzantine solidus was not to be used outside of the Byzantine Empire, there was some limited trade that involved the use of Byzantine solidi outside of the empire's borders. Since these solidi were frequently not re-minted as those within the empire were, they quickly became worn. Towards the end of the 7th century CE, Abd al-Malik ibn Marwan began to produce Arabic copies of solidi – dinars which corresponded in weight to only 4 grams, but matched with the weight of the worn solidi that were circulating at the time.


These copies of Byzantine solidi bore Byzantine legends and iconography, but omitted any Christian symbols on either obverse or reverse. The legends were soon replaced with an Arabic legend – thus bearing witness to the moment at which the faith of Islam became the religion of the state. Abd al-Malik reformed the coinage and issued the first of what would become the standard pattern for Muslim coinage. The Dinar bears only the denomination and date of striking, with the Kalima and words from the Holy Qur'an. This new type was used without appreciable change for the whole of Umayyad period, the coins being struck to a new and carefully controlled standard of 4.25 grams, and bearing the year of minting, much as modern coins do today. This issue marked a great turning point - replacing the images of rulers with Qur'anic verses emphasised that the Islamic Empire was ruled by God and not by mortal men.