Agesilaos Antik Sikkeler Nümzimatik

Maximinus II - Rome

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Antik Sikkeler

4 Şub 2022
Maximinus II - Solidus Rome | AD 312-313 | MAXIMINVS P F AVG


Although the only known example of this type to have been found to date, coins of Constantine and Licinius with this reverse and the PR mintmark do exist, much as all three are represented in the gold issues of this type struck at Treveri. That this should be the only extant example may be explained by the weakening relations between Maximinus, and Constantine and Licinius. In 312 Maximinus allied himself with the usurper Maxentius, who controlled Italy, in response to the marriage of Licinius and Constantia, Constantine’s half-sister. Now bolstered by the support of Maximinus, Maxentius formally declared war on Constantine, which ended in his destruction at the Battle of the Milvian Bridge on 28 October AD 312 at the hands of Constantine’s army. Maximinus himself crossed the Bosphorus in 313 and on 30 April engaged Licinius in battle at Tzirallum, where he too suffered a crushing defeat.

This solidus was apparently a very small issue struck sometime between October of AD 312 and April of 313, after the defeat of Maxentius and before the declaration of war by Maximinus against Licinius.