Agesilaos Antik Sikkeler Nümzimatik

Roman Empire Otho World Peace

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Antik Sikkeler

4 Şub 2022
According to the accounts of Plutarch and Suetonius, Otho was sent to Lusitania in AD 68 because Nero had become enamoured of his wife Poppaea Sabina. The two were divorced, and Otho's bitterness at his estrangement from his wife, paired with his relocation to Hispania, made him a natural ally for Galba, the governor of neighbouring Tarraconensis, in his revolt against Nero. Support for Nero waned, and he fled to the villa of his freedman Phaon where he took his own life, while Galba, accompanied by Otho, marched on Rome and was declared emperor.

Otho expected to be named Galba's heir as a result of his loyalty, but when Galba nominated L. Calpurnius Piso Frugi Licinianus, Otho's disappointment manifested itself as anger and he fomented a revolt amongst the Praetorians, who murdered Galba. Otho was hailed emperor on 15 January 69, however, his reign was not destined to be lengthy. Whilst he had the support of Egypt, Africa and the legions of the Danube, support for Vitellius was strong among the powerful legions stationed on the Rhine and conflict became inevitable.

Otho committed to a battle before his reinforcements from Dalmatia were able to reach him, and he suffered a defeat at the Battle of Bedriacum. Ignoring the entreaties of his generals to await his reinforcements and offer battle once again, Otho took his own life, after just three months as emperor, giving his reason as to avoid further bloodshed.

His suicide was widely recognised by his contemporaries as an honourable act. The poet Martial later wrote in his Epigrams VI. XXXII "Sit Cato, dum vivit, sane vel Caesare maior, dum moritur, numquid maior Othone fuit? : Cato while he lived, he was greater than Caesar himself, when he died, was he at all greater than Otho?. Given the nature of the circumstances of his death, it seems fitting that the legend on the reverse of this rare type should be PAX ORBIS TERRARVM, since despite the violence of his short reign, through his suicide Otho had steered Rome away from further conflict. PAX ORBIS TERRARVM - Pax Orbis Terrarum: World peace.

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