Agesilaos Antik Sikkeler Nümzimatik

Roman Republic Caius Fonteius

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Antik Sikkeler

4 Şub 2022

Caius Fonteius 114-113 BC

In his oration, Pro Fonteio, Cicero mentions that the Fonteii came originally from Tusculum, of which municipium it was one of the most distinguished families. The Fonteii claimed descent from Fontus, the son of Janus. A two-faced head appears on a coin of Gaius Fonteius, which Jean Foy Vaillant and others suppose to be the head of Fontus or Janus, in reference to this tradition. But as Janus is always represented in later times with a beard, Eckhel maintains that the two heads refer to the Dioscuri, who were worshipped at Tusculum with especial honours, and who may be regarded as the Di Penates of the gens. Michael Crawford likewise favours a depiction of the Dioscuri as they appear on other coins of the Fonteii. The galley on the reverse meanwhile is a reference to Telegonus, son of Ulysses and according to myth the founder of Tusculum.

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