Agesilaos Antik Sikkeler Nümzimatik

Septimius Severus Restorer Of The Rome

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Antik Sikkeler

4 Şub 2022
Septimius Severus was credited with restoring stability to the Roman Empire after the turbulent reign of Commodus and the civil wars that erupted in the wake of the emperor's murder. By the time this coin was struck he had enlarged the empire in the East and strengthened the southern borders through the expansion of the Limes Tripolitanus, a frontier zone of defensive forts in north Africa that secured the agricultural base of the empire against raids from the desert nomads of the Sahara.

The improved security of the empire enabled Septimius Severus to undertake restorative works in Rome itself, the theme of this reverse type. Roma, personification of Rome, is portrayed here as a direct reference to Severus' having restored peace and prosperity to the city, which was marked in the landscape by the building of monuments such as the Triumphal Arch celebrating the successful conclusion of the war against Parthia, and the Septizodium, a building of no known practical purpose but which Ammianus Marcellinus [XV, 7, 3] is understood to have noted as 'a popular place', though the sentence is ambiguous. RESTITVTOR VRBIS : Restorer of the city [Rome].

Agesilaos Antik Sikkeler Nümizmatik_SEVERVS.jpg