Agesilaos Antik Sikkeler Nümzimatik

Severus Alexander Victory Of The Emperor

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Antik Sikkeler

4 Şub 2022
In AD 227, Artaxerxes had invaded Parthia and overthrown King Artabanus V, proclaiming himself the restorer of the Achaemenids under the title of King of Kings. Having consolidated his position in Media and Persia, he proceeded to overrun Mesopotamia and threaten the provinces of Syria and Cappadocia. News of the impending danger reached Rome in AD 230, and in the following year Alexander and his mother set out for Antioch. Whilst the campaign appears to have brought little credit to the Roman army and still less to the Emperor as a military commander, the desires of Artaxerxes were temporarily arrested and Alexander celebrated a triumph in September AD 232. The Victory type we find on the reverse of this coin, as in several other cases, may have been anticipatory, rather than commemorative, although it was likely issued in connection with the campaign in the East. VICTORIA AVG - Victoria Augusti: Victory of the emperor [Augustus].

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