Agesilaos Antik Sikkeler Nümzimatik

Trajan Decius Arrival Of the Emperor

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Antik Sikkeler

4 Şub 2022
Trajan Decius was acclaimed emperor by his troops while campaigning in Moesia and Pannonia on behalf of Philip I the Arab. He had been sent to quell the revolt of the usurper Pacatian, who had been proclaimed emperor himself by his troops but was, ultimately, also killed by them before the intervention of Decius. According to Zosimus, Decius was apparently reluctant and unwilling to take power. However, having taken the purple, Philip advanced against Decius and the two met in battle near Verona, though he was routed and killed. Subsequently, Decius' accession was recognised by the Senate, who conferred on him the name Traianus in reference to his predecessor Trajan, the optimus princeps [best ruler] of the Roman Empire.

Taking the name of Trajan was more than simple vainglory - in the first Dacian War of AD 101-102 Trajan had reduced the Danube region to the status of a client kingdom, later absorbing it into the empire after the second Dacian War in 105-106. The new emperor, who hailed from the very same region, was seen to have already quelled a revolt in the troubled frontier area, and it was hoped he would restore the strength of the State. Seen on the obverse of this very rare and attractive aureus with a furrowed brow, we may imagine from the worries of his new position, the reverse type ADVENTVS AVG proclaims the accession of the new emperor and depicts his arrival in Rome. ADVENTVS AVG: Adventus Augusti. Arrival of the emperor [Roman welcoming ceremony].

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