Agesilaos Antik Sikkeler Nümzimatik

Trebonianus Gallus Piety Of The Emperors

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Antik Sikkeler

4 Şub 2022
Trebonianus Gallus was suffect consul in 245 AD and in 250 AD the Emperor Trajan Decius awarded him the governorship of the province of Moesia Superior. He became very popular with the army, proving successful in repelling the frequent attacks by the Gothic tribes of the Danube. After Trajan Decius and his son were killed at the hands of the Goths in June 251 AD, and although it was rumoured that Gallus had conspired with the Goths, the army proclaimed him emperor. In order to secure his position in Rome, he made peace with the Goths, and upon reaching Rome, the Senate confirmed him as emperor. PIETAS AVGG - Pietas Augustorum: Piety of the emperors [Augusti].

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