Agesilaos Antik Sikkeler Nümzimatik

Ancient coins of Emperor Justinian II the Slit-Nosed

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Antik Sikkeler

4 Şub 2022
ΙΟΥΣΤΙΝΙΑΝΟΣ Β Ο ΡΙΝΟΤΜΗΤΟΣ - Ο Βυζαντινός Αυτοκράτορας Ιουστινιανός Β o Ρινότμητος

Byzantine Justinian II the Slit-Nosed - Ιουστινιανός Β o Ρινότμητος


Son of Constantine IV, co-emperor since 681. Married to Theodora, a Khazar who was the first foreign empress. Was deposed by popular revolt in 695. His nose was slit [hence Rhinotmetos] and was exiled. Made a come-back in 705 with the help of an army of Slavs and Bulgars and executed the 2 previous usurper emperors [Leontios, Tiberius]. In his second reign, he was deposed again after the revolt of his army in Cherson and was beheaded.

Despite the difficulties, he had some success with the empire's enemies. Always in bad terms with the powerful and the political fractions. His second term was a brutal affair devoted to revenge. He ended up insane. His Ecumenical Council is a milestone for Eastern Orthodoxy.

Actions & Events
• Created the new theme of Hellas [central Greece].
• Made an important agrarian reform and raised taxes. Everybody was displeased.
• Bloody persecution of the Manichaeans and suppression of popular traditions of non-Orthodox origin.

Click for more coin images of the emperors Justinian II Rhinotmetos.
