Agesilaos Antik Sikkeler Nümzimatik

Greek Sicily Abakainon

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Antik Sikkeler

4 Şub 2022
Abakainon was a city of the native Siculi, and it does not appear to have ever received a Greek colony, though it did adopt the customs and influences of Greek civilization and art. Its territory originally included the site of Tyndaris, which was separated from it by the Syracusan tyrant Dionysios when he founded that city in 396 BC. In that time, Abakainon appears to have been a settlement of some considerable size, but it was quickly eclipsed by Tyndaris and declined in size and prosperity. The boar and acorn must refer to the great oak forests that still cover the neighbouring mountains. Such forests would have provided pasture to large herds of swine, which it is logical to assume was one of the main sources of Abakainon's wealth.